Sascha Weber

Keysight Technologies Germany GmbH

Day 2 (November 6, 2024)
4:50 p.m.

Understanding the battery test workflow

Battery test laboratories are evolving from independent or isolated test units consisting of a small number of test benches operated by independent teams to larger facilities. This leads to increasing complexity in the management of laboratory operations. We will discuss a workflow that covers the phases from test order and assembly of test specimens through operational steps such as logistics of test specimens and test execution to the delivery of the final test report.

Curriculum vitae

  • Strategic portfolio planner

  • Automotive & Energy Solutions

  • Electronic Industrial Solutions Group

  • Keysight Technologies Germany GmbH

Sascha joined Scienlab electronic systems in 2015 as a project manager. During his 9 years at Scienlab and later at Keysight, Sascha worked as product manager for several battery systems and as project manager responsible for the planning and execution of industrial and academic battery test labs across Europe. Since 2022, Sascha is responsible for the portfolio planning of Keysight's battery test solutions with a focus on battery modules and packs. Sascha holds a degree in Chemistry from the University of Münster in Münster/Westphalia, Germany.