
BMZ Germany GmbH
Zeche Gustav 1
63791 Karlstein

Phone: +49 (0)6188 - 9956-7774
Managing Director: Sven Bauer

Responsible for the content: Sven Bauer

Commercial register: Aschaffenburg Local Court - HRB 5890
VAT ID: DE 811 770 243
Tax number: 204 / 122 / 10965


BMZ endeavors to publish only complete and correct information on this website, but we cannot assume any liability or guarantee for the topicality, correctness and completeness of the information. reserves the right to make changes or additions to the information provided.


BMZ GmbH does not guarantee that the information provided on this website is complete, correct and up-to-date in every case. This also applies to all links to which this website refers directly or indirectly. BMZ is not responsible for the content of a page that is reached via such a link.

BMZ reserves the right to make changes or additions to the information provided without prior notice. By providing this information, does not constitute a contractual offer for information, advice or similar contractual relationships. Any liability for the use of the contents of the website or the correctness of the contents or the accessibility of the website is excluded. BMZ is therefore not liable for any correct, indirect or direct damage or damage that may arise from the inability to use the website, loss of data or loss of profits that may arise in connection with the use of documents or information that are accessible on this website.

Furthermore, BMZ distances itself from all contents of all linked pages on this website.

Data protection

In order to provide our services, we may need to store and process personal information about you. We are aware of the problems of data protection on the Internet. The data you send us will only be stored for the specified purposes in accordance with the provisions of data protection law and will never be passed on to third parties without your consent.

License plate protection

Insofar as we use third-party designations protected by trademark law or in a similar manner on our websites, this is not done to identify our products and/or services.

Copyright protection

All rights reserved. The content and structure of our web pages, in particular texts, images and graphics and their arrangement, are protected by copyright and other protective laws. We can only agree to the use of the content of our website or parts thereof after prior consultation.

Insofar as we use third-party designations protected by trademark law or in a similar manner on our websites, this is not done to identify our products and/or services.