Kevin Wood


Day 2 (November 6, 2024)
2:45 p.m.

Scalable and non-destructive analysis of battery systems to improve quality and reliability

Electrochemical processes in battery operation are complex and involve thermodynamic, kinetic and transport-based phenomena that influence the dynamic evolution of the electrochemical reaction over time. Engineers have struggled to quantify these interrelated phenomena, but understanding their impact on battery performance has been a challenge.

To help engineers decipher these underlying mechanisms, we have developed a scalable and non-destructive analysis tool. These tools, such as analytical pulse protocols, dQ/dV metric extraction and dI/dT analysis, are versatile and can be applied to any battery system at any stage of the battery's life cycle, from R&D to manufacturing to secondary use assessment.

This presentation will explore the theoretical underpinnings of these analyses, interpret the results, and show how they can be valuable for optimizing processes during manufacturing expansion and quality control. Overall, this presentation will demonstrate the unparalleled level of mechanistic understanding that can be gained by combining these tools.

Curriculum vitae

Dr. Kevin N. Wood is the Director of Battery Consulting and the lead electrochemist at Voltaiq. He is also an adjunct professor of mechanical engineering at San Diego State University. Prior to joining Voltaiq, Dr. Wood was a professor and CTO for the past 10 years and led numerous government and industry funded research projects on Li-ion batteries. He holds 5 patents in the field of energy storage and has published over 25 peer-reviewed journal articles on electrochemical data analysis.

His technological advances in characterization and electrochemical analysis have been highlighted by several national news media. In 2018, his advances were recognized by Nature Publishing as "Impact Paper of the Year" for future lithium-based batteries. Dr. Wood has also given a TEDx talk on "The Coming Battery Revolution".