Jakob Groß

P3 automotive GmbH

Day 2 (November 6, 2024)
4:15 p.m.

Improvements in the safety of stationary energy storage systems

The changing landscape of stationary energy storage systems emphasizes safety that goes beyond cell chemistry to encompass module and system level innovations and regulatory compliance. While advances in cell chemistry, such as improved stability and thermal resistance, provide the foundation for safety, the focus is shifting to comprehensive safety measures at the module and system level.

This section of the discussion focuses on robust design strategies, including fault-tolerant mechanisms, advanced firefighting technologies and comprehensive monitoring systems. These elements are critical to ensure operational safety and reliability under varying environmental conditions. The influence of regulatory frameworks is also a key aspect of improving safety in stationary energy storage systems.

The presentation will assess how current standards and guidelines influence system design and operating practices, as well as the ongoing development of safety regulations in light of technological advances. Finally, the potential to transfer safety innovations from the automotive sector to stationary energy storage will be explored. This research highlights how stringent safety standards and technological breakthroughs in automotive battery technology, particularly in the areas of battery management and thermal management, can be adapted for stationary storage applications.

The aim is to present a comprehensive overview of safety improvements in stationary energy storage systems, highlighting the integration of advanced cell chemistries, module and system level safety considerations, regulatory standards and automotive industry insights.

Curriculum vitae

Jakob Groß is a seasoned professional with over seven years of experience in the field of electromobility and battery technology. Throughout his career, he has provided expert advice to clients in various industries, including automotive, chemicals and investment banking. His expertise lies in advising battery manufacturers, suppliers and OEMs, helping them to identify and implement innovations in the fast-moving field of battery technology.