Adrian Heuer

Fraunhofer ISE

Day 2 (November 6, 2024)
2:10 p.m.

Crush tests on battery cells: Determination of the critical force for a thermal runaway

Battery safety in accident scenarios is often complicated, which is why the abuse crush test is one way to simulate such scenarios. Abuse crush tests were performed on standard 18650 batteries. The test variables include different temperatures from -40 °C to +80 °C and different battery chemistries. The results of these tests were compared to gain insight into the fire safety, critical force and thermal abuse characteristics of the batteries.

Curriculum vitae

Adrian Heuer, M. Sc., is Strategic Partnership Manager for Battery Technology at Fraunhofer ISE and focuses on scientific research, from cell characterization and modeling to demonstrator development. The main fields of activity include projects with destructive and non-destructive characterization methods as well as advanced cooling methods and component development.

In addition, the battery laboratory focuses on ageing tests for lithium-ion batteries in all industries, such as electromobility and stationary applications.